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Garage Master – Nuts and Bolts

Garage Master – Nuts and Bolts
Garage Master – Nuts and Bolts
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Garage Master - Nuts and Bolts Your goal as a Garage Master is to sort out nuts by color to corresponding bolt. Sounds easy, doesn’t it? Think twice! The color sort game presents a challenges by mixing all the nuts and making it difficult to find the corresponding bolt. It’s a perfect time to train your problem-solving abilities in this color sort game. The best part is when your car is finished, open my super garage and customize it by choosing one of 4 skins.

Categories and tags of the game : Car, Colormatch, Kids Friendly, Matching, No Blood, Puzzle and more..., Sorting, Watercolor

Garage Master - Nuts and Bolts - How to Play

Sort out nuts by color to corresponding bolt